Friday, January 21, 2011

The people medicine

Hey guys, well the past couple of weeks have been crazy, stressful & busy, but also helpful ones . I've been feeling negative about life. I didn't know what to do with myself, I hit a wall on how to achieve my goals and I was just overall depressed. Lucky me something happened that changed it all. On the 15th my first ever neice was born! We don't have any babys in our family & I'm the youngest so I never had the experience of a baby. But now I'm a brand new aunty and I'm ecstatic!

So, me and my family travelled up the country to go see the new blessing and - well, it was everything I hoped for. Shes was the most gorgeous thing i'd ever seen! Seeing baby was only the start of my comeback. On the way home we stopped at an aunts to show off some photos and I got to see my cousins I havn't seen in ages. I've always looked up to them, there so positive, fit and healthy. And on the journey home I was on a huge buzz, so inspired. My niece made me so happy & my cousins made me feel confident and want to be fit and healthy like them. It was a simple but uplifting journey!

 - In conclusion I find that being with the right people can be life saving, the right attitudes can make you feel invincible. So to anyone that may be reading this, anyone thats depressed or feeling down, I recommend going out and spending time with friends and family cause It will do you a world of good!

Rose xx

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Things I do not to become insane...

okay so its day 5 of the new year & I was very close to becoming a crazy person! Uargh, I live in the middle of nowhere, can't really drive, noone wants to drive me so I'm stuck here! Lucky though, I remembered my blog & the plans I have for this year. So I looked over my list of things to do & did a few things towards achieving  them.

Driving . . .
Didnt go far but I had fun driving around the place. A few days ago I was horrible at driving, I was hitting potplants and nearly scratching the sides on the fences, ugh lets just say I was nearly ready to give up for everyone elses sake. But I gave it another go and I have discovered the secret to great, almost perfect driving. Wind the window down! I don't know how it helps, maybe everthings just clearer but I was onto it after that. (I'll just have to make a point of not driving on rainy days!)

Learnt some Italiana...
I've been doing a little bit of studying, I'm of course at the very beggining so I have loads to learn but I'm certainly enjoying my self! I learnt how to say ...
- Hi, my name is Rose - Ciao, io mi chiamo Rose
- I live in New Zealand - Io abito in New Zealande
- I am a beautiful and pleasant woman - Io sono una donna, bella e simpatica
- What is your name? - Come si chiami tu?
I learnt a few more things too but thats enough about that. Oh and excuse me if your Italian and I wasn't particularily right or good. Feel free to correct me, I wouldn't like to turn up in Italy speaking my own version of the language!

Learnt a song on the guitar...
I dont know if that was on my list but I youtubed how to play Sweet Home Alabama and got me a new song to play when I'm feeling like I need some fun music to listen to! Yipee.

One thing you may not know about me is that I am a drawer, I love to sketch & I'm happy to say I've signed a couple of pictures today and am keen to see where they end up :) I may put a pic up sometime.
But apart from learning more things I've got to think of something else I can do. If anyone has suggestions they would be greatly appreciated!

Rose xx

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Blogging Debut

Hey everyone, its the first day of 2011 and I'm buzzed! Last year went way too fast & I feel like I got nothing done. Zilch. I didn't even pass my last year of high school (so ashamed). But the new year's finally come along and I'm determined to make it the best one so far. So i've made a few resolutions! Now, I realise that the percentage of making and achieving resolutions for the new year, isn't great. But I feel this could be my year! For example, as a young woman that has a paticullar interest in journalism, I told myself it would be fun to start a blog, resolution #1, and success here I am.

Well thats No.1 crossed of the list, heres a few more I intend to knock off! 
In no particular order.


  - Create a blog 
  - Finally sort out a fitness routine (I'm not very disciplined when its comes to this)
  - Get my restricted liscence
  - Get my first job (I'm a shy person & I insist it takes guts to go out and get a job)
  - Learn Italian (hinting a resolution for a few years in the future)
  - Road Trip up the country with best friend (bout time we did something unordinary)
  - Do a course on something interesting and pass it
  - Stop biting nails ( I know, it's disgusting but habits arn't normally things we like doing)
  - Get a visa (bus tickets and adorable clothing)
  - Get my tongue peirced (cause I feel like it :))
  - And last but not least I intend to read three world famous classic books
   (Pride & Prejuduce, Wuthering Heights & Little Woman - Should be good)


I could be getting ahead of myself, but I'm sure I'll do fine.
Thanks, and I hope you will all have fun in the new year and lots of luck if you have a list as daunting as mine! :)

Rose xx