Saturday, January 1, 2011

Blogging Debut

Hey everyone, its the first day of 2011 and I'm buzzed! Last year went way too fast & I feel like I got nothing done. Zilch. I didn't even pass my last year of high school (so ashamed). But the new year's finally come along and I'm determined to make it the best one so far. So i've made a few resolutions! Now, I realise that the percentage of making and achieving resolutions for the new year, isn't great. But I feel this could be my year! For example, as a young woman that has a paticullar interest in journalism, I told myself it would be fun to start a blog, resolution #1, and success here I am.

Well thats No.1 crossed of the list, heres a few more I intend to knock off! 
In no particular order.


  - Create a blog 
  - Finally sort out a fitness routine (I'm not very disciplined when its comes to this)
  - Get my restricted liscence
  - Get my first job (I'm a shy person & I insist it takes guts to go out and get a job)
  - Learn Italian (hinting a resolution for a few years in the future)
  - Road Trip up the country with best friend (bout time we did something unordinary)
  - Do a course on something interesting and pass it
  - Stop biting nails ( I know, it's disgusting but habits arn't normally things we like doing)
  - Get a visa (bus tickets and adorable clothing)
  - Get my tongue peirced (cause I feel like it :))
  - And last but not least I intend to read three world famous classic books
   (Pride & Prejuduce, Wuthering Heights & Little Woman - Should be good)


I could be getting ahead of myself, but I'm sure I'll do fine.
Thanks, and I hope you will all have fun in the new year and lots of luck if you have a list as daunting as mine! :)

Rose xx

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