Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Things I do not to become insane...

okay so its day 5 of the new year & I was very close to becoming a crazy person! Uargh, I live in the middle of nowhere, can't really drive, noone wants to drive me so I'm stuck here! Lucky though, I remembered my blog & the plans I have for this year. So I looked over my list of things to do & did a few things towards achieving  them.

Driving . . .
Didnt go far but I had fun driving around the place. A few days ago I was horrible at driving, I was hitting potplants and nearly scratching the sides on the fences, ugh lets just say I was nearly ready to give up for everyone elses sake. But I gave it another go and I have discovered the secret to great, almost perfect driving. Wind the window down! I don't know how it helps, maybe everthings just clearer but I was onto it after that. (I'll just have to make a point of not driving on rainy days!)

Learnt some Italiana...
I've been doing a little bit of studying, I'm of course at the very beggining so I have loads to learn but I'm certainly enjoying my self! I learnt how to say ...
- Hi, my name is Rose - Ciao, io mi chiamo Rose
- I live in New Zealand - Io abito in New Zealande
- I am a beautiful and pleasant woman - Io sono una donna, bella e simpatica
- What is your name? - Come si chiami tu?
I learnt a few more things too but thats enough about that. Oh and excuse me if your Italian and I wasn't particularily right or good. Feel free to correct me, I wouldn't like to turn up in Italy speaking my own version of the language!

Learnt a song on the guitar...
I dont know if that was on my list but I youtubed how to play Sweet Home Alabama and got me a new song to play when I'm feeling like I need some fun music to listen to! Yipee.

One thing you may not know about me is that I am a drawer, I love to sketch & I'm happy to say I've signed a couple of pictures today and am keen to see where they end up :) I may put a pic up sometime.
But apart from learning more things I've got to think of something else I can do. If anyone has suggestions they would be greatly appreciated!

Rose xx

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