Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New plan.

Hey, so i've changed my mind. I'm not gonna just write about what resolutions i've achieve throughout the year. I never actually realised how boring that sounded till now. Yeah, i'm gonna write about anything and everything, what I think, things I like, what i've been up to etc. because I absolutely love reading blogs about the random things people come up with. But just putting it out there, I have crossed a couple more things off my list such as growing my nails and getting my visa. yay!

Its the first of feb and Im totally excited! It's my bday this month. woopwoop...the big eighteen. Still I refuse to grow up just yet! Unfortunately alot of my friends have got themselves sorted education wise for the new year ahead, well it's unfortunate for me, not having as many people to hang out with. I even have to throw a farewell do for my best friend who's moving all the way up the country :( so i'm very sad. Anyway, i've decided instead of mopeing around i'm gonna have to find things to do. Where to start?

Ps. Don't worry,  i'm not slacking. I'll be doing a course aswell.
I just know how to multitask :)

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