Sunday, February 6, 2011

Some of my favourite things at the moment.

Summer- The weathers been all over the place this summer but this last week has been bliss. It's crazy how hot it's been but it's the summer I remember from when I was young. Every day of the holidays a group of us, usually including my big brothers, would be down at the wharf doing bombs and swimming around, watching the smaller boats come up the jetty. I'll always remember how happy I felt in those days! I'm smiling now just thinking about it. And what's funny is that me and my friends still do that these days lol just new friends and a different wharf. It's good to be a kid every now and then! I recommend it :)

Nail polish- One of my resolutions this year was to grow my nails. Break the disgusting habit of biting them. Eugh, I know right but fortunately I've managed to achieve that goal. I never knew how much the heat helps them grow though and another thing I didn't know was how much I'd become obsessed with nail polish! Seriously, I'm like painting my nails all the time and every time I see a nail polish I'm like, Ohh I want it, gimme gimme. It's a crazy little obsession but I'm sure it's harmless :) My favourites would have to be fresh green, pastel purple and you know those glittery nail polishes you use to get when you were little. Yeah, you know the one, lol It's so glamorous but playful at the same time. Try it, I dare you.

Back to December- I am one of Taylor Swifts biggest fans, I admit, she's definitely got the voice and she's got the nack of putting words together and having so much meaning. I love it. Back to December's a sad song and I've read that it's about the Lautner which for me makes it sadder cause he seems sweet. But I can't stop playing it, honestly non-stop, I'm listening to it right now! I've learnt (roughly) how to play it on guitar, thanks to YouTube (shh) and when I'm not listening to it on the computer, or the stereo, or my ipod, then I'm playing it on guitar and singing along lol. Well, I don't play it that often but it is still a really good song.

Cooking- I wrote about this last time. It's just fun. I'm probably the last person in the world to try it so I won't have to convince you how fun it is :)

Hairdo's- Honestly I never touch my hair. I've got long hair that just sits in a bun on the top of my head most of the time. Until I discovered one day that, omg you can create some pretty awesome styles with your hair, haha I've been trying new hair styles alot lately and it's inspiring actually, I mean your doing yourself up so you feel special and motivated to go places and show your 'do' off. Plaits, waves, puffs, you know random stuff, I just look in some magazines and I'm like ohh, I'll do that. And all you really need is a hairtye and a couple of bobbypins. Fun and cheap!

Yeah, so those are 'Some of my favourite things at the moment.' And they actually all work together! See, Pretty yourself up with a wicked hairdo and a new naily, go out side and soak up the sun while listening to music and eating something homemade. Like a dream, it's all fun! Hope you guys are taking time to enjoy life and looking after yourselves! :)

Bye xx

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